No-see-um / Midge (biting)


Actual Size: less than ⅛”

Characteristics: Tiny bodies that are grayish-black. Pigmented markings on the wings.

Legs: 6

Antennae: 6

Wings: Yes

Habitat: Known for infesting coastal salt marshes, freshwater areas, and other environments that are cool and damp.


  • Also commonly called biting midges. 
  • Can carry bluetongue virus, which can be deadly to cattle and sheep. 
  • Females only consume a blood meal, which they use to produce eggs.

No-See-Ums in Anaheim

Also known as biting midges, no-see-ums are a common pest in the United States – particularly along coastal areas or farms. Though these flies are very small, they can cause big problems by biting and feeding on warm-blooded vertebrates. People often mistake no-see-um bites with those of black flies. Female midges are the only ones that consume blood, which they need for producing eggs. They will attack all sorts of mammals, but are especially drawn to livestock, making them a major pest for farms and homesteads. 

No-See-Um Habitat

Each species of no-see-ums has their own natural habitat. As a whole, they’re found everywhere from mud-caked flatlands and freshwater streams to coastal marshes and damp holes in trees. No-see-ums are generally drawn to cool areas that are damp and well-protected from full sunlight. Females seek out wet organic matter, such as mud or decaying leaf litter, for laying eggs.

No-See-Um Behaviors, Threats, or Dangers

Bites from midges can be painful and annoying, but they’re not known to be dangerous to humans. No-see-ums earn their name because most people can’t tell what is biting them, though they can feel the pain. Most bites leave behind a small welt and itching. While these pests are not considered dangerous to humans, they can transmit serious diseases such as the bluetongue virus to livestock. 

Keep getting insect bites, but can’t quite tell what’s attacking? Worried you might have no-see-ums? Contact your local fly exterminators to address and eliminate the infestation.