Field Cockroach (Vaga)


Actual Size: Small up to ½”

Characteristics: Small, olive-brown bodies with two dark brown stripes on face.

Legs: 6

Antennae: Yes

Wings: Yes, and they can fly.

Habitat: Most frequently found in well-irrigated landscapes with plenty of leaf litter and plant debris.


  • Active during the day and prefers to live outdoors. 
  • Sometimes mis-identified as German cockroaches. 
  • Females can produce 6 generations of offspring per year.

Field Cockroaches in Anaheim

Field cockroaches, also known as vaga cockroaches, were likely carried to the United States from southwest Asia. Since their introduction, though, these roaches have become a common problem in several warm states such as Texas and southern California. Though field cockroaches look very similar to German cockroaches, you can tell them apart by the blackish-brown markings on the field roach’s face. These pests are also incredibly prolific and can produce several hundred offspring in a single year.

Field Cockroach Habitat

Unlike house-infesting species, field cockroaches prefer to live outside. They mainly feed on decomposing plant matter or fruits, and they usually hide beneath stones or clumps of soil. Field cockroaches are also drawn to moisture, making them more likely to infest landscapes that are well-irrigated. Though these roaches usually stay outdoors, they may wander inside while looking for water. 

Field Cockroach Behaviors, Threats, or Dangers

Field cockroaches are not as common as some other species, and they rarely settle indoors. However, they can still be concerning to encounter in your property. Especially if they gain access to your kitchen or pantry, field cockroaches could transmit bacteria to your food and threaten your health. Since they breed so quickly, infestations can also spread like wildfire. Whether you have field cockroaches in your backyard or they’ve wandered into your home, it’s best to contact your local cockroach exterminators to get rid of them quickly.