Mud Dauber

Actual Size: 1”

Characteristics: Has a distinctively thin, “thread-like” waist. Yellow or black in color. Easy to identify due to their unique nest.

Legs: 6

Antennae: Yes

Habitat: Uses mud to build unique nests, which consist of 1-inch tubes lying side by side. The nests are often located under porch eaves, near ceilings, or inside of sheds and garages.


  • Not social wasps that live alone rather than in colonies. 
  • Feed their young with paralyzed spiders. 
  • Not aggressive and unlikely to sting.

Mud Daubers in Anaheim

Mud daubers get their name from their habit of building distinctive nests and brood chambers out of mud. These wasps are fairly common here in Anaheim, and there are several species found all across the United States. Despite their intimidating appearance, mud daubers are not aggressive and don’t often sting unless they sense a threat to their nest. One of the easiest ways to identify these wasps without their nest is by looking at their extremely thin waist, which looks similar to a threat or a needle separating its abdomen and thorax. 

Mud Dauber Habitat

Female mud daubers are responsible for building the nests, which they use as brood chambers for their young. These nests are made entirely from mud and consist of several short mud tubes lying side by side, which look somewhat like an organ pipe when fully built. Mud daubers usually build these nests in sheltered and shaded areas such as in sheds, barns, or porch ceilings. After building the nest, the female mud daubers will paralyze and collect spiders to place inside of the mud chambers. She will then deposit an egg on top of one of the spiders, which the larvae will eat after hatching. The larval wasps molt several times before breaking out of the mud chamber. If you come across a mud dauber nest with small, round holes on the outside, the wasp has likely already emerged and the nest is no longer in use.

Mud Dauber Behaviors, Threats, or Dangers

Though mud daubers have a frightening appearance, they are not aggressive and rarely sting. In fact, they are beneficial to the environment and help to control spider populations. That said, a mud dauber infestation on your property can still be a major nuisance. If you come across a nest in your home or business, contact a local professional wasp removal company to safely remove the mud daubers and prevent them from coming back.