Little Black Ant


Actual Size: 1.5 to 2 mm

Characteristics: Dark brown or black in color with a shiny body.

Legs: 6

Antennae: Yes

Wings: The reproductive males and females have wings.

Habitat: Attracted to wooded areas with trees, stumps, or piles of lumber. When indoors, they may infest cabinetry or wall voids.


  • Most infestations begin outside near a stump, tree, or pile of firewood. 
  • Highly adaptable and more likely to build nests outdoors. 
  • Can help eliminate colonies of small red imported fire ants.

Little Black Ants in Anaheim

Here in Anaheim, little black ants are a very common structural pest. Though they mainly nest outdoors, they have also been known to access homes or businesses while searching for food. Little black ants are omnivorous and feed on everything from fruits and seeds to meats, insects, grease, and even bird feces. With how adaptable these small ants can be, they are incredibly difficult to get rid of once they’ve established a colony nearby. 

Little Black Ant Habitat

Little black ant colonies often contain several queens and can grow to contain thousands of individuals. They usually build nests in cluttered landscapes near things like mulch, tree stumps, log piles, or fences. Should they sneak indoors while scavenging for food, they can spread throughout your home or business and usually remain hidden in small cracks or gaps. If you discover little black ants inside, you likely have a much larger colony somewhere outdoors. Since colonies have multiple queens, they can be very challenging to disrupt and eliminate. 

Little Black Ant Behaviors, Threats, or Dangers

These tiny pests may have a small stinger, but they aren’t considered a major threat to people or property. That said, with how large colonies can grow, little black ants are still a major nuisance pest in Anaheim. They can be aggressive and have even been known to attack and eliminate entire colonies of red imported fire ants. If little black ants get inside, they will hide in nearly any crack or crevice of your property and are extremely difficult to get rid of completely. To keep your home or business ant-free, it’s best to work with a licensed ant exterminator if you notice the signs of these pests in your yard or home.