Woodlouse Spider


Actual Size: 11 mm to 15 mm

Characteristics: Reddish-orange bodies with a dirty white abdomen that resembles a bean.

Legs: 8

Habitat: Mainly infests areas with lots of woodlice or sowbugs. Usually stays beneath rocks, potted plants, woodpiles, and other debris.


  • Mainly eats woodlouse, like sowbugs or roly-polies. 
  • Has large fangs and powerful jaws to crack through isopod shells. 
  • Drawn to warm, damp areas.

Woodlouse Spiders in Anaheim

Woodlouse spiders are frequently encountered in homes and gardens across Anaheim. These spiders derive their name from their primary prey, the woodlouse, which is also known as sowbugs or roly-polies. Woodlouse spiders possess elongated fangs and robust jaws specially adapted to penetrate the resilient exoskeleton of woodlice, their sole source of food. They employ a distinctive hunting technique, maneuvering beneath the curled-up woodlouse and delivering a venomous bite to immobilize their prey.

Woodlouse Spider Habitat

Woodlouse spiders are nocturnal, favoring damp settings with plenty of prey to feed on. For that reason, people typically find them beneath stones or logs in gardens and backyards. Rather than constructing webs, these spiders engage in nocturnal hunting, employing their front-facing jaws to capture prey after darkness falls. Their affinity for warmer climates occasionally leads them to venture indoors and occupy human-made structures.

Woodlouse Spider Behaviors, Threats, or Dangers

Despite their scary appearance, woodlouse spider bites are not harmful to humans. Although their mechanical fangs can induce some discomfort, any effects typically subside within an hour. These spiders are drawn to decaying plant matter and wood, so they’re more common outdoors. Gardeners often appreciate their presence in their gardens, as woodlouse spiders assist in controlling woodlice, known as troublesome plant pests. That said, an overabundance of them could lead to woodlouse spiders in your home, which can be bothersome to deal with.