Southern House Spiders in Anaheim
Southern house spiders, also known as crevice spiders, are often found in Anaheim. They are commonly confused with brown recluse spiders, but males have eight closely packed eyes that are different from recluses. Females are also a velvety black color and look more like small tarantulas than recluse spiders, though they are frequently misidentified as well. Southern house spiders create cottony webs on flat surfaces and hide in holes, patiently waiting for prey.
Southern House Spider Habitat
True to their nickname, southern house spiders prefer hiding in the cracks masonry on buildings, though they may also hide in dark corners near shutters or window sills. Juveniles and females build webs, which are usually located in places like the underside of tree bark, houseplants, and barns. They prefer higher elevations that are well above the ground. If you have indoor plants, you may also discover southern house spiders spinning webs on your potted plants. The webs are uniquely flat and woolly, but they look tangled.
Southern House Spider Behaviors, Threats, or Dangers
Southern house spiders may resemble dangerous recluse spiders, but they are harmless to humans. They are not prone to biting, and their venom is not a medical concern. However, they can be unsettling as they often crawl on surfaces. Male southern house spiders may seem aggressive, but they rarely bite unless they feel threatened, and their small mouthparts make it difficult to penetrate human skin. During the winter, these spiders can become a nuisance, increasing in numbers in neglected areas of homes and buildings in addition to their outdoor habitats.