
Actual Size: ⅛”

Characteristics: Small, wingless insects with a narrow, reddish-brown body.

Legs: 6

Antennae: Yes

Wings: No

Habitat: Hides in tall, damp, and shaded grass or vegetation. Infestations are normally caused when a flea attaches itself to a pet.


  • Parasitic insects that only consume blood from warm-blooded hosts. 
  • Can survive in a wide range of habitats but prefers humid and shaded areas. 
  • If carried indoors, fleas will lay eggs in bedding, upholstery, and carpeting.

Fleas in Anaheim

Fleas are known all across the United States for biting and attaching themselves to pets. These small parasitic insects require blood from a warm-bodied host to survive and reproduce, and they will die within weeks without a host. People usually experience an infestation after a flea is carried indoors on a dog or cat, which are their primary targets. That said, fleas may also bite humans and other animals when searching for a meal.

Flea Habitat

Outdoors, fleas prefer grassy areas with plenty of shade and humidity. These pests are most common in fields with tall grass, gardens with lots of leaf litter or weeds, and wood piles. Fleas don’t typically do well in direct sunlight, but since they’re so small, they can hide in even the tiniest crack or crevice. If you or a pet accidentally carries a flea inside, it may lay eggs in carpets, bedding, or upholstered furniture. The larvae don’t like to be in bright light, so they usually stay hidden until they’re ready to find a host. 

Flea Behaviors, Threats, or Dangers

Fleas are a danger to humans and other animals. Their bites can trigger allergic reactions and dermatitis, which can lead to itchiness, hair loss, and secondary infections. Severe flea infestations can also cause anemia and other health complications in pets, especially for small or young animals. If you notice fleas on your pet and are concerned for their health, seek help from a veterinarian. Then contact your local flea exterminators for help removing any eggs and larvae from your home.